RFID Labels

  • RFID Labels/sticker/tag

RFID Labels

RFID labels use radio waves to transmit product information to a handheld device. This is a simple and secure way to trace your products and obtain real-time readings in transit.

We offer you two types of RFID labels:

1. RFID – HF Technology

This type of RFID labels uses high-frequency systems for long distance reading. These labels are activated at a frequency of 13.56 MHz and are used in various industries, from healthcare to logistics and equipment maintenance.

High frequency RFID labels are ideal for fast data transmission from large distances. It enables an operator to walk among rows of equipment and get readings from all the labels without stopping in front of each item.

2. RFID – UHF Technology

Ultra high-frequency RFID labels are used especially for logistics applications and in warehouses. In these industries, employees must get quick readings from multiple products, some of them located on very high racks or stacked one on top of the other.

This type of RFID labels represents the basis of the EPC (Electronic Product Code) standard, used by some of the largest retailers in the world, such as Walmart or Metro. The technology behind these labels is based on an expanded numeration formula and was developed especially for RFID.

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