Suspension pockets

  • datoclip/Suspension pocket/pouches
  • datoclip/Suspension pocket/pouches

Suspension pockets

Suspension pockets are your best choice if you need to label palet cages or shipping containers with narrow sides. The fastening accessory of these plastic pouches is also compatible with EURO pallet cages, because the space between the loops is a perfect fit to two adjacent bars.

Made of sturdy rigid foil, the suspension pockets provide excellent safety for enclosed labels or shipping documents. They will not be damaged by weather conditions or mechanical stress.


Standard Available Sizes

Suspension pockets are available in the following formats:

  • A6 landscape
  • A5 landscape
  • A4 landscape.

Optionally, the suspension pockets can be provided with a flap.

We can customize this product in various ways to fit your specific needs. If you opt for colored suspension pockets, you can choose between 4 colors: yellow, red, blue and green.

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